Monday, April 7, 2008

NWN 2 + 0.9.59 update

I've recently updated my wine to the latest version 0.9.59 and I'm glad to say that NWN2 mini-map and map problem is now fixed! I'm still playing it in a very slow pace as I've very little time for it. (I've also checked Icewind Dale if it is still working fine with the new version of wine and luckily it is.) Kudos for the wine developers! :)

PS.: I sadly see that the link to the guide for nwn2 installing is now broken. Here goes a copy of it: guide. Another important detail may be that I've patched the game to 1111153 without problems but haven't tried any newer updates yet.

UPDATE (13 Nov 2008): Trying to use with wine 1.1.18, result: no longer works! It tells me no usable D3D device could be detected, so I can't run the game with that version.


FJGamer - RuneScape Dragoons animator said...

Best to keep guides in PDF format.

Anonymous said...

I'm following pretty much the same steps as you did in order to get the game working, but the minimap refuses to work when using OffscreenRenderingMode=fbo. Of course, if I don't use that, the game doesn't work properly. Any ideas? Using wine 0.9.60.

pzi said...

Well, no idea... Have you tried 0.9.59? I haven't tried 0.9.60 yet.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I've tried 0.9.59 from the ubuntu repositories, but the game wouldn't even run under it or any version that was older than 0.9.60. I don't know if it matters, but I'm also using the latest nvidia drivers from the website, 173.14.05.

Anonymous said...

Turns out the drivers from nvidia caused the minimap bug, why and how I don't know, but reverting to version 169.07 seems to have fixed it for now.

Anonymous said...

Well, I feel a bit silly now.

The minimap bug I was experiencing was due to me forcing anti-aliasing on the game using the nvidia control panel. When I set it to application controlled, the problem did not persist. So relatively happy now.

pzi said...

Thanks for sharing the information! Glad you were successful running the game!!

kaqqao said...

Have anyone tried running Storm of Zehir? How did it go?
More importantly, can I run Neverwinter 2 that I already have installed under Windows or do I need to do another install through wine?


pzi said...

veggen, some things that are not part of the game related to directx and such, have to be added manually, but i think it might be possible to do it without installing. I havent done that way. Also the newer versions of wine (1.x) didnt work for me last time I've tried.

pzi said...

More info about SoZ: link

It seems wine 1.x is working with it. I should check it later.

kaqqao said...

Thanks for the info Paul. Sorry for replying after 3 months...